* @file video.js
* @module videojs
import {version} from '../../package.json';
import window from 'global/window';
import {
} from './utils/hooks';
import * as setup from './setup';
import * as stylesheet from './utils/stylesheet.js';
import Component from './component';
import EventTarget from './event-target';
import * as Events from './utils/events.js';
import Player from './player';
import Plugin from './plugin';
import mergeOptions from './utils/merge-options.js';
import * as Fn from './utils/fn.js';
import TextTrack from './tracks/text-track.js';
import AudioTrack from './tracks/audio-track.js';
import VideoTrack from './tracks/video-track.js';
import { createTimeRanges } from './utils/time-ranges.js';
import formatTime, { setFormatTime, resetFormatTime } from './utils/format-time.js';
import log, { createLogger } from './utils/log.js';
import * as Dom from './utils/dom.js';
import * as browser from './utils/browser.js';
import * as Url from './utils/url.js';
import {isObject} from './utils/obj';
import computedStyle from './utils/computed-style.js';
import extend from './extend.js';
import xhr from '@videojs/xhr';
// Include the built-in techs
import Tech from './tech/tech.js';
import { use as middlewareUse, TERMINATOR } from './tech/middleware.js';
import defineLazyProperty from './utils/define-lazy-property.js';
* Normalize an `id` value by trimming off a leading `#`
* @private
* @param {string} id
* A string, maybe with a leading `#`.
* @return {string}
* The string, without any leading `#`.
const normalizeId = (id) => id.indexOf('#') === 0 ? id.slice(1) : id;
* The `videojs()` function doubles as the main function for users to create a
* {@link Player} instance as well as the main library namespace.
* It can also be used as a getter for a pre-existing {@link Player} instance.
* However, we _strongly_ recommend using `videojs.getPlayer()` for this
* purpose because it avoids any potential for unintended initialization.
* Due to [limitations](https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc/issues/955#issuecomment-313829149)
* of our JSDoc template, we cannot properly document this as both a function
* and a namespace, so its function signature is documented here.
* #### Arguments
* ##### id
* string|Element, **required**
* Video element or video element ID.
* ##### options
* Object, optional
* Options object for providing settings.
* See: [Options Guide](https://docs.videojs.com/tutorial-options.html).
* ##### ready
* {@link Component~ReadyCallback}, optional
* A function to be called when the {@link Player} and {@link Tech} are ready.
* #### Return Value
* The `videojs()` function returns a {@link Player} instance.
* @namespace
* @borrows AudioTrack as AudioTrack
* @borrows Component.getComponent as getComponent
* @borrows module:computed-style~computedStyle as computedStyle
* @borrows module:events.on as on
* @borrows module:events.one as one
* @borrows module:events.off as off
* @borrows module:events.trigger as trigger
* @borrows EventTarget as EventTarget
* @borrows module:extend~extend as extend
* @borrows module:fn.bind as bind
* @borrows module:format-time.formatTime as formatTime
* @borrows module:format-time.resetFormatTime as resetFormatTime
* @borrows module:format-time.setFormatTime as setFormatTime
* @borrows module:merge-options.mergeOptions as mergeOptions
* @borrows module:middleware.use as use
* @borrows Player.players as players
* @borrows Plugin.registerPlugin as registerPlugin
* @borrows Plugin.deregisterPlugin as deregisterPlugin
* @borrows Plugin.getPlugins as getPlugins
* @borrows Plugin.getPlugin as getPlugin
* @borrows Plugin.getPluginVersion as getPluginVersion
* @borrows Tech.getTech as getTech
* @borrows Tech.registerTech as registerTech
* @borrows TextTrack as TextTrack
* @borrows module:time-ranges.createTimeRanges as createTimeRange
* @borrows module:time-ranges.createTimeRanges as createTimeRanges
* @borrows module:url.isCrossOrigin as isCrossOrigin
* @borrows module:url.parseUrl as parseUrl
* @borrows VideoTrack as VideoTrack
* @param {string|Element} id
* Video element or video element ID.
* @param {Object} [options]
* Options object for providing settings.
* See: [Options Guide](https://docs.videojs.com/tutorial-options.html).
* @param {Component~ReadyCallback} [ready]
* A function to be called when the {@link Player} and {@link Tech} are
* ready.
* @return {Player}
* The `videojs()` function returns a {@link Player|Player} instance.
function videojs(id, options, ready) {
let player = videojs.getPlayer(id);
if (player) {
if (options) {
log.warn(`Player "${id}" is already initialised. Options will not be applied.`);
if (ready) {
return player;
const el = (typeof id === 'string') ? Dom.$('#' + normalizeId(id)) : id;
if (!Dom.isEl(el)) {
throw new TypeError('The element or ID supplied is not valid. (videojs)');
// document.body.contains(el) will only check if el is contained within that one document.
// This causes problems for elements in iframes.
// Instead, use the element's ownerDocument instead of the global document.
// This will make sure that the element is indeed in the dom of that document.
// Additionally, check that the document in question has a default view.
// If the document is no longer attached to the dom, the defaultView of the document will be null.
if (!el.ownerDocument.defaultView || !el.ownerDocument.body.contains(el)) {
log.warn('The element supplied is not included in the DOM');
options = options || {};
hooks('beforesetup').forEach((hookFunction) => {
const opts = hookFunction(el, mergeOptions(options));
if (!isObject(opts) || Array.isArray(opts)) {
log.error('please return an object in beforesetup hooks');
options = mergeOptions(options, opts);
// We get the current "Player" component here in case an integration has
// replaced it with a custom player.
const PlayerComponent = Component.getComponent('Player');
player = new PlayerComponent(el, options, ready);
hooks('setup').forEach((hookFunction) => hookFunction(player));
return player;
videojs.hooks_ = hooks_;
videojs.hooks = hooks;
videojs.hook = hook;
videojs.hookOnce = hookOnce;
videojs.removeHook = removeHook;
// Add default styles
if (window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE !== true && Dom.isReal()) {
let style = Dom.$('.vjs-styles-defaults');
if (!style) {
style = stylesheet.createStyleElement('vjs-styles-defaults');
const head = Dom.$('head');
if (head) {
head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);
stylesheet.setTextContent(style, `
.video-js {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;
.vjs-fluid:not(.vjs-audio-only-mode) {
padding-top: 56.25%
// Run Auto-load players
// You have to wait at least once in case this script is loaded after your
// video in the DOM (weird behavior only with minified version)
setup.autoSetupTimeout(1, videojs);
* Current Video.js version. Follows [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/).
* @type {string}
videojs.VERSION = version;
* The global options object. These are the settings that take effect
* if no overrides are specified when the player is created.
* @type {Object}
videojs.options = Player.prototype.options_;
* Get an object with the currently created players, keyed by player ID
* @return {Object}
* The created players
videojs.getPlayers = () => Player.players;
* Get a single player based on an ID or DOM element.
* This is useful if you want to check if an element or ID has an associated
* Video.js player, but not create one if it doesn't.
* @param {string|Element} id
* An HTML element - `<video>`, `<audio>`, or `<video-js>` -
* or a string matching the `id` of such an element.
* @return {Player|undefined}
* A player instance or `undefined` if there is no player instance
* matching the argument.
videojs.getPlayer = (id) => {
const players = Player.players;
let tag;
if (typeof id === 'string') {
const nId = normalizeId(id);
const player = players[nId];
if (player) {
return player;
tag = Dom.$('#' + nId);
} else {
tag = id;
if (Dom.isEl(tag)) {
const {player, playerId} = tag;
// Element may have a `player` property referring to an already created
// player instance. If so, return that.
if (player || players[playerId]) {
return player || players[playerId];
* Returns an array of all current players.
* @return {Array}
* An array of all players. The array will be in the order that
* `Object.keys` provides, which could potentially vary between
* JavaScript engines.
videojs.getAllPlayers = () =>
// Disposed players leave a key with a `null` value, so we need to make sure
// we filter those out.
Object.keys(Player.players).map(k => Player.players[k]).filter(Boolean);
videojs.players = Player.players;
videojs.getComponent = Component.getComponent;
* Register a component so it can referred to by name. Used when adding to other
* components, either through addChild `component.addChild('myComponent')` or through
* default children options `{ children: ['myComponent'] }`.
* > NOTE: You could also just initialize the component before adding.
* `component.addChild(new MyComponent());`
* @param {string} name
* The class name of the component
* @param {Component} comp
* The component class
* @return {Component}
* The newly registered component
videojs.registerComponent = (name, comp) => {
if (Tech.isTech(comp)) {
log.warn(`The ${name} tech was registered as a component. It should instead be registered using videojs.registerTech(name, tech)`);
Component.registerComponent.call(Component, name, comp);
videojs.getTech = Tech.getTech;
videojs.registerTech = Tech.registerTech;
videojs.use = middlewareUse;
* An object that can be returned by a middleware to signify
* that the middleware is being terminated.
* @type {object}
* @property {object} middleware.TERMINATOR
Object.defineProperty(videojs, 'middleware', {
value: {},
writeable: false,
enumerable: true
Object.defineProperty(videojs.middleware, 'TERMINATOR', {
writeable: false,
enumerable: true
* A reference to the {@link module:browser|browser utility module} as an object.
* @type {Object}
* @see {@link module:browser|browser}
videojs.browser = browser;
* Use {@link module:browser.TOUCH_ENABLED|browser.TOUCH_ENABLED} instead; only
* included for backward-compatibility with 4.x.
* @deprecated Since version 5.0, use {@link module:browser.TOUCH_ENABLED|browser.TOUCH_ENABLED instead.
* @type {boolean}
videojs.extend = extend;
videojs.mergeOptions = mergeOptions;
videojs.bind = Fn.bind;
videojs.registerPlugin = Plugin.registerPlugin;
videojs.deregisterPlugin = Plugin.deregisterPlugin;
* Deprecated method to register a plugin with Video.js
* @deprecated videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead
* @param {string} name
* The plugin name
* @param {Plugin|Function} plugin
* The plugin sub-class or function
videojs.plugin = (name, plugin) => {
log.warn('videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead');
return Plugin.registerPlugin(name, plugin);
videojs.getPlugins = Plugin.getPlugins;
videojs.getPlugin = Plugin.getPlugin;
videojs.getPluginVersion = Plugin.getPluginVersion;
* Adding languages so that they're available to all players.
* Example: `videojs.addLanguage('es', { 'Hello': 'Hola' });`
* @param {string} code
* The language code or dictionary property
* @param {Object} data
* The data values to be translated
* @return {Object}
* The resulting language dictionary object
videojs.addLanguage = function(code, data) {
code = ('' + code).toLowerCase();
videojs.options.languages = mergeOptions(
{[code]: data}
return videojs.options.languages[code];
* A reference to the {@link module:log|log utility module} as an object.
* @type {Function}
* @see {@link module:log|log}
videojs.log = log;
videojs.createLogger = createLogger;
videojs.createTimeRange = videojs.createTimeRanges = createTimeRanges;
videojs.formatTime = formatTime;
videojs.setFormatTime = setFormatTime;
videojs.resetFormatTime = resetFormatTime;
videojs.parseUrl = Url.parseUrl;
videojs.isCrossOrigin = Url.isCrossOrigin;
videojs.EventTarget = EventTarget;
videojs.on = Events.on;
videojs.one = Events.one;
videojs.off = Events.off;
videojs.trigger = Events.trigger;
* A cross-browser XMLHttpRequest wrapper.
* @function
* @param {Object} options
* Settings for the request.
* @return {XMLHttpRequest|XDomainRequest}
* The request object.
* @see https://github.com/Raynos/xhr
videojs.xhr = xhr;
videojs.TextTrack = TextTrack;
videojs.AudioTrack = AudioTrack;
videojs.VideoTrack = VideoTrack;
].forEach(k => {
videojs[k] = function() {
log.warn(`videojs.${k}() is deprecated; use videojs.dom.${k}() instead`);
return Dom[k].apply(null, arguments);
videojs.computedStyle = computedStyle;
* A reference to the {@link module:dom|DOM utility module} as an object.
* @type {Object}
* @see {@link module:dom|dom}
videojs.dom = Dom;
* A reference to the {@link module:url|URL utility module} as an object.
* @type {Object}
* @see {@link module:url|url}
videojs.url = Url;
videojs.defineLazyProperty = defineLazyProperty;
// Adding less ambiguous text for fullscreen button.
// In a major update this could become the default text and key.
videojs.addLanguage('en', {'Non-Fullscreen': 'Exit Fullscreen'});
export default videojs;